Monday, August 7, 2017

"When do you go home" "How much longer do you have?" "When is your last day?"

Hello everyone! Those are the questions I keep getting this week! 😶

Monday we went to rehoboth beach with the Harrington Sisters (our STLs), Sister Payne and Sister Nye. It was fun! (Photos are on my moms Facebook).
We went straight to the doctors office and I was super late so we had to reschedule for Tuesday...
That evening we taught Amanda the Ten Commandments and taught her the hand signals. Family, I can show you them when I get home!

Tuesday we had District Meeting. We brought brownies for a Elder Mortons birthday which was on Wednesday. Didn't take any photos..
Went to my doctors appointment. We were not late this time lol. I realized I really need my moms help with answering all of the questions!! 😂 the appointment was to check on my bottom from when I fell down the stairs in March. The doctor told me I do have sciatica. Same thing my mission nurse told me. She said it might or might not ever go away 😑 something I just have to deal with.
We were going to have a lesson with Ziline but she wasn't home.
We were going to have a lesson with Elizabeth as well but she had a family emergency and had to cancel.

Wednesday we had a lesson with Ziline. She speaks Creole and little English so we read out of the children's BOM with her in English and help her read it. She has gotten a lot better!
We had a lesson with some formers (meaning they met with missionaries in the past) named the Conways. They asked about how our church is different then the Methodist faith and we talked about the restoration of the gospel. They weren't really interested in taking the lessons or coming to church or anything.
We had a lesson with Amanda again. We read 2 Nephi 2:1-15.
We ate dinner with Sister Spadin. A cute older lady in our ward.
We went to a relief society activity after and we were late for it haha.

Thursday we had to break up our weekly planning because we had to clean our apartment for the bug inspection people.
Sister Armstrong took us to lunch at Delmar pizza and it was really good!
We were going to have a lesson with Ricardo but he didn't answer. We had Sister Slusher and her daughter come with us and Sister Slusher said well, lets go knock on some doors then! And so we went walking and knocking in the trailer park we were in 😆 the awkward part was there was some other people from a different church knocking on doors in the trailer park as well 😂
We were going to have a lesson with Berline but she wasn't home.
We ate dinner with the Cooks. It was so fun to be back there again! I love Claire so much! We had BLTs and fruit pizza!

Friday we went and got brownies and made them for the Walsh family because Sister Walsh had her baby boy!
We went to Elizabeth's 2 year old nephews funeral with Sister Kelley. That was sad. I cried!
We were going to have a church tour that evening with Daniel so we went to the church and turned on all the lights and made everything look nice and he never showed up....
We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner that night 😋

Saturday we were going to have a lesson with the Cuzicks, less actives in our ward, but they just came out unto their porch and we just talked. They can't make it to church because of Brother Cuzicks work schedule but they are going to try and come sometime.
We had a lesson with Chemica and went over the restoration again because it has been awhile since she was taught that. She also speaks Creole.
We had our interviews with President Randall! It was broken up in 3 parts. The first part we had to prepare a lesson in 10 min and the Zone Leaders watched and evaluated. Then we taught a 15 minute lesson and one of the STLs was the investigator and the other watched and evaluated. Then the last part was we had a 10 minute interview with President. I get to have another interview with him in a couple of weeks 👍🏻
We had a lesson with Ziline and read from the children's BOM with her.
We were going to have a lesson with Diana and her boys but Diana wasn't home.

Sunday was a great Sunday! We had 4 nonmembers there! One of them was Chemica. One was a lady named Melissa who met missionaries before and she contacted us asking for the time of church and if we could get her a ride. Sister Kelley picked her up and took her home after the third hour. A member of our ward brought his coworker and that was the first time she has come to church and she got up and bore her testimony!! She mentioned that she is reading the BOM every night and feels peace and she said she will definitely be back. She is golden! Another member brought his coworker as well but he might be in the elders area. I am grateful for members and their willingness to do member missionary work!
We finally delivered the brownies to the Walsh family haha.
We had lunch/dinner at the Klos's house (we go their every Sunday after church) and then went over the Word of Wisdom with Sean, he was recently baptized.
We taught Amanda about tithing and fast offerings.

Today we are going to Assateague with the Klos kids! Hopefully the rain won't be too bad!

Love ya!!!
Sister Gronning