Well, hello everyone! I have some crazy transfer news but you will
have to keep reading to find out! 🤐
Monday we went to Ocean City and walked the board walk and I decided
that I am coming back with my family in the summer and we are going to
try all the little food places!! We saw some horses and ponies too!
Monday night we stopped by Sister Hallyburtons house and we sang
"where can I turn for peace" and talked about the lyrics. We read
Moroni 7:46-47 and talked about how Christ's love never fails.
We went to the Book of Mormon class and read 1 Nephi 17-18.
Tuesday we had District Meeting in Seaford.
We delivered a bible and a Book of Mormon to a girl named Stephanie.
She is going to be moving to Baltimore soon.
We ate dinner at the Slushers.
We stopped by the Laytons and Ryan went home teaching with Brother
Stewart and he was telling us about it and he absolutely loved it!! He
was so happy!! We shared a story from the talk "emissaries to the
Wednesday we went to Sister Kahlers house and we helped her peal
apples haha. She also gave us some really yummy lemonade. We read Alma
5:12-14 and talked about how Heavenly Father created all of us in his
We met Widline at an Investigators house and turns out she lives in
the north sisters area so we sent her over to them.
We were going to have a lesson with Everaldo but the member who was
going to come, forgot.. so we ended up just talking with him outside
and it was super windy that day!
We had a little lesson with Salif. We followed up on church and he
says he liked it and understood some of it. We read Helaman 5:47
We had a lesson with Edwin and we followed up on his praying and
reading and he hasn't done either of them 😐 we read 2 Nephi 32 and
talked about praying and reading scriptures. He said the closing
prayer again! We invited him to read 2 Nephi 31.
We met Sharon on her porch and shared a message with her.
We ate dinner at the Naumanns.
We went to the Castellanos and attempted to teach them English haha.
We had a correlation meeting that night.
Thursday we had Conference call and weekly planning.
We had a lesson with Everaldo and Sister Cole was there with us. He
read most of 3 Nephi 27 so we finished reading that with him. He had
some questions about baptism. He is a little hesitant about coming to
church. We invited him to read 2 Nephi 31.
We had a lesson with a new investigator named Thomas. Sister Bailey
came with us. He talked to us for a long time! We had to cut it short
because Sister Bailey had to pick her kids up from school.
We had a lesson with the Petersons. Megan came with us. We talked
about Samuel the Lamanite and read it from the children's Book of
Mormon. We talked about prophets and the nature of the godhead.
Ate dinner at the Dredges.
We were going to have a lesson with Harry but he said he was super
tired and needed to reschedule.
We visited Sister Hallyburton and shared the video called "good things
to come" we talked about how Heavenly Father will always bless us as
we live the gospel.
We went to the Laytons and read 2 Nephi 32 with Ryan and April.
Friday we did some finding and stop bys. We had a lesson with Sister
Maybury and Brother Dean. We read 3 Nephi 17 with them.
We met a less active named Cinderella White. We shared the mountains
to climb video.
We found Mervin while trying to find someone else. We shared the
Because of Him video with him.
We had a lesson with Leisy. We talked about how she is a daughter of
God and praying.
We had a lesson with Beautiful and Becky. Sister Slusher came with us.
We talked about the nature of the godhead and the role of the Holy
Ghost. Brianna came in at the end from getting her tooth pulled at the
We delivered the Bible to Tiffany.
We had our wards Chili Cook Off and talent show!! It was so much fun.
The Sister Missionaries were the judges of the chili! The talent show
was the best thing ever. There was a little kid that danced to the
whip and nay nay song or whatever and it was hilarious and perfect!
All of the kids in the back of the gym were doing it too 😂 I guess
they do that in gym class at school 😂😂
Saturday we did some finding and some lessons cancelled. We had a
lesson with Edwin. Megan came with us. He still hasn't been reading or
praying. We read 1 Nephi 16:28 and Alma 37:38-46 and talked about the
liahona and faith. We had to drop him after this lesson.
We went to Pablo's bowls with Megan and had a little lesson with her
there. SO GOOD.
We met our ward mission leaders daughter who is a less active member.
Also, we went to a less actives house and a lady answered and we asked
if so and so lives here and she said stop coming here and slammed the
door!! And then as I was backing up Sister Stubben, she came out and
started yelling and cussing at us and telling us that we parked on her
grass and that we should be ashamed of ourselves!! It was horrible. We
almost started crying!
We had a lesson with Freddie and Ruth. We shared Alma 7:11-12 and
talked about Christ suffering for us. We talked about faith,
repentance, and baptism.
We stopped by and shared a message with Sister Bowen, Ashley, and her
friend. We shared Alma 7:11-12.
TRANSFER CALLS CAME THAT NIGHT. The Zone Leaders called and this is
how the conversation went:
ZL "are you ready?"
Me "no but yes"
ZL "okay so Sister Stubben"
ZL "did you hear that?"
Us "no! You muted us!
ZL "Sister gronning"
Us "stop putting us on mute!! Tell us!!"
ZL "okay, Sister Stubben you are leaving. Sister Gronning you are also leaving!"
Us *screaming*
WHAT!!!!????? Plot twist. Ya, definitely not expecting that one!!!
Sunday was church and everyone was shocked and sad! Sister Garner is
leaving too!
Sooo today is a packing day for both of us!! We think they are putting
in elders here but we have no clue! We are anxiously waiting for
transfer plans!! AHHH.
Well, with that being said. I hope you all have a great day and I will
let you all know where I'm going as soon as I find out!!
Sister Gronning